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Professional Family History Research

Thank you for visiting this website.

Whilst i personally greatly enjoy this work that I do... there are others who simply cannot do this themselves (for one reason or another). The most common reasons are that they simply either do not have the skill sets, time or access to resources to complete this activity... yet the interest and excitement to know about their family remains. 

Maybe i can step in to help you? 

Please see below the options available to you. My standard rate is currently £15 / $20 per hour which you will not find bettered anywhere else online. I track my time and provide confirmation of time spent. As you go further down the offerings below the time increases.

Standard offering (general family tree) < £50 / $65 you pay nothing more >

This is a standard 5 generation family tree (up to your great great grandparents) of both paternal and maternal branches (and where discoverable). Names, dates and cited sources are given and obtained from BMD/Census Records only. You also get a ".ged" file so you can import / use this online or using your own genealogy software.

Example of a 4 generation standard offering tree .ged file loaded into (you can load this file provided into whatever software or website that you use).

This can also be professionally printed and shipped to you (see below). The charge for this is an additional £30 / $40. 

Example "fan chart" for placing on a wall. 

Advanced offering (Complete family tree)

This enhances the standard offering by taking that same tree back as far as it possibly can go (this can be 10-11 generations sometimes!). This is done for paternal and maternal branches (and where discoverable). Names, dates and cited sources are given and obtained from BMD/Census Records only. You also get a ".ged" file so you can import / use this online or using your own genealogy software.

Example of an advanced offering tree .ged file loaded into with all trackable branches (you can load this file provided into whatever software or website that you use).

Focused offering (specific family groups, branches or even individuals)

This takes anything previously done, or for a specific request, and goes into extreme details we beyond just providing names and dates. This can be either specific branches of your tree, and their descendants, along with the story behind them or even on specific individuals. You also get a ".ged" file so you can import / use this online or using your own genealogy software. An example of this work can be seen here in the articles on Emil Winker, a German Immigrant who travelled to Iowa in the 19th century. A PDF file containing this work, similar to what you see here, is provided for you.

"Brick Walls / Myths & Legends" (specific family groups and branches or individuals)

This is something a little different where perhaps you have completely run up against a brick wall and can go no further or perhaps have encountered some strange legends about the family. It could be that my 20 years of familiarity, record searching expertise and wealth of resources might find the answer for you. It may be something a simple as obtaining a death certificate (see the article on Jack Dixon) or coming across an obscure article on a petty session about a bastardy application for the birth of an illegitimate son (see the detailed article on Frank Bloxham).

My email address is "". All i need from you is a start point, and as much detail as you can provide me. I can do the rest.

Contact me today so i can help you find your family story.

Mark Hunter, Genealogist and Family History Researcher

Payment accepted via PayPal.


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